Henry S Yuchi

Henry S Yuchi

PhD Student in Machine Learning

Georigia Institute of Technology

About Me

Henry Shaowu Yuchi is a scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He obtained his PhD in Machine Learning at H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering of Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests are data science and computer experiments, including design of experiment, multi-fidelity modeling, and spatio-temporal point process.

Download my CV.

  • Statistics
  • Data Science
  • PhD in Machine Learning, 2023

    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • MEng in Information Engineering, 2018

    University of Cambridge

  • BA in Engineering, 2018

    University of Cambridge


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(2023). Design and Analysis of Multi-Fidelity Finite Element Simulations. Journal of Mechanical Design.

Cite DOI

(2022). Multi-Stage Multi-Fidelity Gaussian Process Modeling, with Application to Heavy-Ion Collisions.

PDF Cite

(2021). Signal Processing Challenges and Examples for in-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy. Special Issue of IEEE.

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(2021). Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification for Low-rank Matrix Completion. Bayesian Analysis.

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(2021). Information-Guided Sampling for Low-Rank Matrix Completion. ICML-21 Workshop on Information-Theoretic Methods for Rigorous, Responsible, and Reliable Machine Learning.

PDF Cite


Graduate Research Assistant
Georgia Tech
Jun 2019 – Jul 2023 Atlanta
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Georgia Tech
Aug 2018 – May 2019 Atlanta

Responsibilities include:

  • Teaching Assistant for ISYE 6416 Computational Statistics in Spring 2019.
  • Teaching Assistant for ISYE 2028 Basic Statistical Maths in Fall 2018.
  • Gave 6 lectures in total, in addition to tutorial sessions and office hours.
Product Engineering Intern
Reveal Media
Sep 2015 – Oct 2015 London
Software and hardware testing for police body camera products and supporting devices. Product quality control and durability tests for camera products and batteries.
Engineering Intern
Jul 2015 – Sep 2015 Derby
Perform and analyze computer experiments on structural impact analysis of multiple aircraft engine fan CAD designs using Finite Elements Analysis software.
Granta Design
Jul 2014 – Sep 2014 Cambridge
Develop and publish supporting educational documents for learning material science and engineering topics. Compose introductory documents for the material engineering software designed for university students.


  • 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting QSR Best Student Paper Competition Finalist Award
  • 2021 American Statistical Association SPES and Q&P Student Paper Award
  • 2020 Georgia Tech IDEaS-TRIAD Research Scholarship
  • 2018 Georgia Tech President’s Fellowship
  • 2018 Magdalene College Christopherson Prize for Engineering
  • 2017 Magdalene College Lewins Prize for Engineering
  • 2014-2018 Cambridge International Trust Scholarship
